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This section will help you do your packing and loading with less hassles. It is important for you to know which items you can ship and which items you cannot. To ensure the safety, there are rules and regulations that apply to all moving companies by law. Items you are not allowed to pack by yourself are, for example, items that need professionals to pack them up so that no harm comes to them, like exercise equipment, massage beds etc. The following list shall guide you about things you should not pack. Do not hesitate to call your mover for any clarifications required for this. • Flammable, corrosive or explosive items like: Acids, poisons, gasoline, fertilizers, special purpose liquid batteries, chemicals etc.• Items that might get perished or spoiled during storage period like food, plants, liquids etc.• Precious items that cannot be recovered by insurance like: address books, files of any kind, personal video/audio discs/tapes, gold/diamond jewelry etc. The moving company will not be liable and will not assume responsibility for these kinds of items unless you exactly specify for them to handle with special care.Moving services by movers can be more pleasant if the coordination between the moving companies and the homeowners is maximized.
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